21 Jun

Start-Ups.Co interviewed Mr. ‘Aviram Ben Moshe’; Co-founder & CTO at the US (NY)based start-up “CareerSonar”.

CareerSonar” ranks all jobs available online by the strength of your inside connections, making it easy to leverage your contacts to get hired.

Below is the full interview that we have conducted :

Job boards have become very ineffective, and it’s exceedingly difficult for job seekers to get noticed by blindly submitting resumes online. In contrast, employee referrals are considered the most desirable source of hire, and are the number one source in hiring volume. Studies show that candidates referred by friends are up to 54 times more likely to be hired than those applying via a job board. These candidates, who come with a trusted built-in recommendation, have a much better chance of actually landing the job.
CareerSonar is a social job discovery startup that ranks all jobs available online by the strength of your inside connections, making it easy to leverage your contacts to get hired. Users simply login with their Facebook and LinkedIn and create their ‘Sonar’ based on keywords they are interested in. Then, the site takes all jobs from across the web (from both job boards and corporate career sites) and using a patent-pending method, sorts them so that the most relevant jobs (the ones you have the best chances of actually getting), are displayed first, in order.

CareerSonar offers:

1. Ranking jobs by level of insider access. CareerSonar ranks opportunities based on the level of insider access to the hiring company (using a patent-pending method) – so there is no need to waste time poring through hundreds of job search results. Factors weighed in the ranking include whether the insider is a 1st or 2nd degree connection, and its seniority at the company.

2. Social and professional connections in one place. Users connect with their Facebook and LinkedIn accounts, so their friends, family, and professional contacts are all in play. Moreover, the site bridges the boundaries of each network to connect users with their Facebook friends’ LinkedIn connections (and vice versa).

3. Sheer number of available jobs. The site scans through all open jobs from across the Web, from both job boards and corporate career sites.

4. ‘Sonar alerts’. Eliminating the hassle involved with identifying the most promising opportunities, CareerSonar’s appeal extends to those who are on the fence (not actively searching but open to the right opportunity). CareerSonar’s scheduled ‘Sonar alerts’ let these passive candidates find a better job – without really looking.

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