CourseSpree’s mission is to help students succeed academically. is an ecommerce site geared to help students earn better grades while earning an income.
Today, Mr. ‘Danish Nadeem’; Founder and CEO of the US (New York)-based start-up “CourseSpree Inc.”, introduced us to his web-based company in terms of who they are and what they really do.
According to Mr. ‘Nadeem’; is an ecommerce site geared to help students earn better grades while earning an income.CourseSpree’s mission is to help students succeed academically.
On our site, Students can hire tutors for virtual/location based tutoring sessions, get subject specific help by posting a question with a price ($), buy class notes, study guides and make recurring revenue for themselves by selling their notes to others.
We are in the process of partnering up with more local colleges and universities to help them manage their tutors and note takers and funneling those resources to students in one convenient place.
Danish Nadeem founded CourseSpree Inc. in May 2012, while he was finishing his Bachelors as an undergrad at Syracuse University to help universities manage their resources in a cheaper and effective manner.
He has been selected to come back as a Kauffman Entrepreneurship Engagement Fellow (’12-’13) to pursue his venture CourseSpree.
CourseSpree also incorporates features such as student referrals, where students receive 5% cash back for every user they refer, that make a qualifying transaction on the site.
We are housed at the Student Sandbox in Syracuse, New York.
We are currently in alpha stages, set to officially launch on August 30th 2012
CourseSpree has identified a major issue faced by students and colleges.
First of all to start of with Colleges, they have no management system in place where they can effectively manage their tutors and note takers.
From a student’s point of view, they have no place where they can go to hire those school appointed tutors or get subject specific help on their homework.
CourseSpree aims to solve that problem by partnering up with universities and providing them with a management solution to manage their tutors, and providing students with the resources they need to succeed in their classes.
Danish Nadeem is the founder and C.E.O at Coursespree Inc., a graduate of Syracuse University with a Bachelor in Information Management & Technology, minor in Global Enterprise Technology. Danish has previously worked at JPMorgan Chase and UNISYS.
Danish Nadeem has been selected to come back for the year 2012-2013 as a Kauffman EntrepreneurshipEngagement Fellow to pursue his venture CourseSpree and to pursue his masters in Information Management with a certificate of advance study in Data Science from Syracuse University
Kayla Lombardoni, Chief Operating Officer, is a Lemoyne College senior majoring in Communication with a concentration in advertising and philosophy, English minor. Kayla isresponsible for marketing and user acquisition.
We are located at the Student Sandbox – 235 harrison St, Syracuse NY 13202
CourseSpree has already partnered up with Syracuse University, and is in talks with LeMoyneCollege, Rochester Institute of technology and other local universities.
We also plan to partner up with Office of Disability Services at these institutions to provide students with learning disability electronic access to those notes and tutors for free of cost.
To find out more you can visit our site
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